Troubleshooting The Thermostat
Some of these troubleshooting tips may be used over the phone by your front person, to help screen for problems that the homeowners themselves might be able to correct. Their use should be discretionary, depending on the level of mechanical aptitude your customer seems to have. It's a judgment call.
The information can also be given directly to select customers for their own reference, again on a discretionary basis, or given to less-experienced employees performing seasonal system maintenance (i.e., clean and checks) to possibly solve customers' problems on the spot.
We have listed these top-five thermostat problems in reverse order (with a nod to David Letterman).
Our Top-Five Countdown
Problem #5. The thermostat setting and thermostat thermometer disagree.Solution. In this case, the thermostat setting probably requires adjustment:
Problem #4. The furnace or air conditioner cycles too fast or too slow (there are narrow or wide temperature swings).
Solution. This cycling rate problem could be influenced by the location of the thermostat and/or the size of the system's equipment. Therefore:
Problem #3. "Heat," "Cool," or "Fan" runs constantly.
Solution. In this case you may be looking at a mechanical error or operator error:
In the Fan On mode the fan will run continuously. To have the fan run only when the system is heating or cooling, switch to Fan Auto. If the fan continues to operate in the Fan Auto mode and the equipment is not calling for heating or cooling, contact your local service person.
Problem #2. Customer says there is no cooling.
Solutions. Of course, there are many reasons why a cooling system doesn't seem to be working. Check for the following thermostat-related fixes:
Note: Some heat pumps have a five-minute time delay built in as a safety feature. If the cooling system does not begin operation after five minutes, a service call is required.
Problem #1. Customer says there is no heat.
Solutions. Again, there could be numerous system problems behind the no-heat call. The following may be diagnosed quickly:
The heating system should then begin operation shortly after hearing this click. If the heating system does not begin operation, contact your local service person for assistance.
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