National Indoor Comfort Week is a grassroots program, started by the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA), which depends on contractors to make it successful. As ACCA believes, it's a great reason for contractors to host special events, reach out to their local community press, and a time to thank their employees and customers.
"HVACR has been called the ‘hidden industry,' " said ACCA President and CEO Paul Stalknecht. "Yet when you think about it, the lives we live today would be impossible without the men and women who keep our homes and places of business comfortable and healthy and keep our food and medicine fresh.
"HVACR contractors are even responsible for the technological and computer advancements that have made the American economy what it is today. These devices could not be manufactured were it not for the clean rooms and temperature-controlled environments designed by HVACR contractors."
ACCA has put together a number of resources contractors can use as a starting point for a company's celebration of this special week. These resources can be found online at www.comfortweek.com.
"Since 2003, National Indoor Comfort Week has been set aside once a year to celebrate the indoor environmental systems on which we all rely, and honor the men and women who keep those systems running efficiently and safely," said ACCA Vice President Kevin Holland.
"National Indoor Comfort Week is your week ... and you can use it as a way to promote our industry in your local community. We are asking contractors to get more involved this year and participate in this unique week."
On the Website, ACCA has provided an area of information for homeowners and building owners, local organizations and ACCA chapters, and another strictly for contractors. In the contractors' area, the association has supplied a laundry list of ideas that may help spark some further ideas, made available the National Indoor Comfort Week logo, and provided some sample press releases "to get your thinking started," as well as some general tips on working with local media.ACCA is even suggesting that contractors ask their local mayor, city council, or other government officials to issue a proclamation. On the Website, it has provided some sample letters to send to government officials.
The week of April 23-29 has the support of Congress, which endorsed National Indoor Comfort Week last year. "On a day when the temperature is expected to go above 80°, I am particularly grateful for air conditioning that makes it easier to do our jobs each day," said Rep. Don Manzullo (R-Ill.), who introduced the resolution last April. "This resolution simply supports the goals and ideas of National Indoor Comfort Week..."
Rep. Manzullo also noted that people take the HVACR industry for granted until they don't have heat in the winter or air conditioning in the summer.
"It is because of air conditioning that many parts of our great nation, particularly in the South and West, have grown into booming areas, creating new jobs and enhancing our economy," he said.
Rep. Nydia Velázquez (D-N.Y.), who co-sponsored the resolution last year, added that this industry has helped to drive the economy by creating thousands of good-paying jobs every year.
"The heating and cooling industry has also set the standard for creating innovative, environmentally safe products that help preserve and strengthen our environment for future generations to enjoy," she said. "Clearly, given the unique contributions of the small businesses in this industry, it is only fitting that we find ways to recognize the exceptional work of these service men and women."
Though ACCA started National Indoor Comfort Week, it's not an ACCA-only program, noted Holland. "It's an industry program," stressed Holland, noting that among the other sponsors are the Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI), Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association (GAMA), Heating, Airconditioning and Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI), North American Technician Excellence (NATE), Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors - National Association (PHCC), and the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM).
"We've been hidden for far too long," said Stalknecht. "We urge our members and partners to take advantage of this opportunity to raise awareness of the HVACR industry."
What special events do you have planned for National Indoor Comfort Week? Let ACCA know by sending an e-mail to Janet Pankow at janet.pankow@acca.org. ACCA would also like you to follow up by e-mailing photos and more information after the events.
Publication date: 03/20/2006