Some built-in enhancements have been added to the company’s ACH 400 side-by-side electronic bypass-drive. One of the enhancements added is run-permissive circuitry. Two modes of fireman’s override circuits that can shift the motor to bypass operation for smoke purge and/or override both keypad and building automation commands are also improvements made to the bypass-drive. Other design refinements include membrane keypad for bypass operation and status display, fault-reset button for the selectable Class 20 or Class 30 electronic overload, monitor and control of bypass-drive via RS485 serial communication from building automation systems, and selectable manual or automatic transfer from drive to bypass. According to the manufacturer, the unit is ideal for wall mounting and fits into air-handling units and pumping packages.

ABB Inc., 16250 W. Glendale Dr., New Berlin, WI 53151; 800-752-0696; 262-785-0397;

eProduct #184