"The Radiant House is a wonderful opportunity for our exhibitors to showcase their latest products to a very focused target market," said Clay Stevens, president of the International Exposition Co. (IEC), producers of the AHR Expo.
Installations in the Radiant House will include radiant floor tubing, electric elements, pre-manufactured floor and wall panels, ceiling installations, insulation, controls, and other products.
"Companies participating in Radiant House enjoy the added benefit of being able to fully illustrate their products' practical use to potential buyers through an hour-long live installation demonstration," said Vance Sherwood, Radiant Panel Association. Participation eligibility is limited to Radiant Panel Association members that are also exhibiting at the AHR Expo 2006.
The total number of participants will also be limited based on available space within Radiant House. Exhibitors who are interested should visit www.radiantpanelassociation.org or call 970-613-0100 to sign up before the Dec.15 deadline.
For more information about Radiant House, contact John Fantauzzi at 970-613-0100, or johnf@rpa-info.com. For information about AHR Expo 2006, contact Christina Crawford at 312-332-4650, ext.18, or ccrawford@h-a-intl.com.
Publication date: 11/07/2005