Publication date: 05/23/2005
Heatcraft Refrigeration Honors Sales Reps
Heatcraft Refrigeration Products (HRP) honored its 2004 sales representatives at the National Sales Meeting Awards Banquet. Awards were given for exceptional sales performance and service in five categories. The Quota Buster Award was presented to the 21 sales individuals who exceeded their 2004 territory sales quota, including Bill Johnson, David Bolaños, Dennis Krumm, E.A. Gangestad, Ed Rizzo, Gary Shaw, George Baer, Giolas Sales, Jim Nicklin, Ken Applegate, Ken Sternberger (above receiving OEM Salesman of the Year award from director of sales Ken Rothgeb), Ken Wilkins, Kevin Nelson, Mike Hildebrandt, Mike Hutson, Paul Westbrook, Ray Kapaun, Roger O'Daniel, Steve Lee, Tim Blackmore and, Tom Allen. Accolades were also given to Bill Johnson for Distribution Salesman of the Year.