A summer shutoff damper has been added to Models 2000 and 2001 side-entry bypass flow-through humidifiers. The damper is designed to reduce the bypass of air through the humidifier during summer months, allowing the air conditioner to run more efficiently and economically. To use, the homeowner turns the knob on the bypass collar to "summer" or "winter," depending on the season. According to the manufacturer, no harm is done if the homeowner fails to open or close the damper at the appropriate time, other than restraining airflow during cooling season or limiting humidifier efficiency during heating season. For previously manufactured Model 2000 and 2001 products, the damper also is available as a separate assembly, part number A00-1730-124.

Skuttle IAQ Products, 101 Margaret St., Marietta, OH 45750; 888-758-8853; 740-373-9565 (fax); customerservice@skuttle.com; www.skuttle.com.

eProduct #185