The Web site - - contains articles, sales tools, inspirational and humorous literature, e-books, audio, links, and video.
It also contains a reading list, which reviews 50 important "life-changing" books in categories such as personal growth, leadership, sales, and relationships. The online forum, titled "Street Talk," allows people to share ideas, enter discussions, and learn from others.
"Our hope is that MattesonAvenue presents one or two ideas in areas in which you wanted to grow, and haven't for half a dozen good reasons," said webmaster Kevin Thomas.
"We all need gentle reminders from time to time. Each part of MattesonAvenue is designed to raise your awareness, sharpen an old skill, or teach a new skill that will improve your personal effectiveness and interpersonal relationships. We believe the quality of our lives is in direct proportion to the quality of our relationships. These ideas applied can have a dramatic effect for good on the quality of your life.
"And, oh yes, if it makes you smile, think, and take action, then we have succeeded."
Matteson Avenue is in the Web community of Pinnacle Service Group, Lynnwood, Wash.
Publication date: 01/31/2005