ATLANTA - Changing technologies, rising energy prices, and increased focus on sustainability have challenged the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) to stay on the cutting edge of the field, according to Lee Burgett, ASHRAE president. At the same time, competition has increased and ASHRAE is focusing its efforts to ensure that its products and services are timely, relevant, and appropriately positioned to serve the changing marketplace.

"The new plan charts an exciting course for ASHRAE," Burgett said. "It calls for an ASHRAE that addresses new global initiatives, provides better tools to its members, and that is more well-known to the groups and individuals who depend on us for technical guidance." The strategic plan will help ASHRAE achieve this, he noted.

The plan contains four strategic directions where ASHRAE will focus its efforts over the next several years. They are:

  • ASHRAE will lead the advancement of sustainable building design and operations.

  • ASHRAE will be a world-class provider of education and certification programs.

  • ASHRAE will position itself as premier provider of HVACR expertise.

  • ASHRAE will be a global leader in the HVACR community.

    To accomplish these strategic directions, several strategies have been identified, including:

  • Leading the drive toward the design, construction, and operation of net-zero-energy buildings through research, publications, and education.

  • Developing the performance metrics and rating systems to certify operational performance of buildings for energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality.

  • Collaborating with other organizations to integrate HVACR systems with other building systems to enhance the effectiveness of total building design and integrated practice.

  • Providing accessible on-demand education and distance learning to members and other customers.

  • Developing and promoting certification programs for the HVACR industry.

    In addition, the plan contains an updated mission statement and vision for ASHRAE.

    The plan can be found at

    Publication date: 04/17/2006