Monday, Feb. 7, 2005: MovinCool Introduces New Moisture Removal Configurations

In the fast-drying setup, as the cooling unit pushes cool, dry air into the room, an added duct recycles the warm, dry exhaust air generated by the cooling process into the damp areas of the room where it absorbs moisture and draws it back into the spot cooler where it condenses out.
In the fast-drying and cooling setup, a plenum and external exhaust ducts are added to the spot cooler so that as the cool, dry air fills the room, the moisture-laden air is drawn into the unit by the blower and exhausted to the outside.
"The MovinCool fast-drying and cooling setup speeds the drying process and spot cools at the same time," noted John Doran, manager, Heat Management Department. "It can mean the difference between a quick recovery and a lot of downtime, lost work hours, lost records, and lost data."