The WhisperGreenâ„¢ Premium ceiling-mounted fan Model FV-08VKS1 and WhisperGreen Premium ceiling-mounted ventilation fan with Smart Actionâ„¢ motion sensor Model FV-08VKM1 have been added to the company's WhisperGreen product line. Featuring Custom Ventâ„¢ variable-speed control with delayed off timer, the fan can run continuously with a vent range of 30 to 70 cfm. The fan then elevates to a maximum level of operation (80 cfm) when the switch is turned on or the Smart Action motion sensor is activated. A delayed off timer returns the fan to the minimum cfm level after a period of time set by the user. The fans also feature SmartFlowâ„¢ optimum cfm technology. With this technology, the fan is designed to perform at a constant cfm, despite duct length, elbows, and other factors that could hinder its ability to perform at rated levels. When one of the fans faces static pressure, its speed is automatically increased to ensure that the desired cfm is not compromised.

Panasonic, 1 Panasonic Way, Secaucus, NJ 07094; 866-292-7292;

eProduct 182