The efficient, clean-burning cogeneration system was developed in partnership with the Department of Energy (DOE).
“The cogeneration power system we dedicated today will produce energy for the mill while dramatically reducing the emissions of harmful pollutants,” said Secretary Richardson. “This will make Malden Mills a model of energy efficiency and environmental responsibility while helping ensure a sound economic future for the mill and its employees.”
Feuerstein stated, “Today’s cogeneration facility dedication is Malden Mills’ way of saying that the needs of our corporation can be advanced by seriously considering and protecting the needs of the environment.”
Cogeneration is a highly efficient technology because it combines two processes: producing steam and generating electricity. When separate processes are used, roughly two-thirds of the energy produced is wasted.
However, the combined production of steam and electricity from the same energy source makes use of most of this wasted energy, increasing fuel efficiency and reducing emissions.
The installation of this system at Malden Mills is expected to help the company reduce energy costs by up to $1 million annually.