July 2, 2002: Global Energy Group Introduces New High-Efficiency Rooftop Units
“Our new Inventor Series 1400 line of rooftop units has been tested by ARI (Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute) and carries an EER (energy efficiency ratio) rating of 13.5,” stated Joe Richardson, president and CEO of Global Energy. “By incorporating patented Global Energy technologies into traditional current rooftop air conditioner designs, we are able to ‘raise the bar’ for energy efficiency in our industry. Previously, high-efficiency units carried an EER rating ranging between 11.0 and 12.0. With our rating of 13.5, our products will establish a new standard in efficiency.”
The company’s patented EER+ technology is said to be the key to creating the new efficiency level. Global Energy is currently offering this technology as a retrofit that modifies existing rooftop air conditioners. The Inventor Series 1400 will be a complete rooftop unit and will be available on a limited production basis in September 2002.
According to the company, the EER+ technology generally increases the capacity of air conditioning equipment by 20%. This increase in capacity in turn increases the efficiency of the equipment, resulting in a reduction in the unit’s use of electricity.
For more information, visit www.gegsolutions.com.
Publication date: 07/01/2002