The RPA will feature the Radiant House directly on the ISH North America show floor. "The Radiant House has been a popular feature at past REX shows," said Lawrence Drake, RPA's executive director. The simulated building structure, constructed on the show floor, has various radiant heating products installed during the event.
Attendees get a chance to experience the installation of staple-up tubing systems, prefabricated radiant floor panels, staple-down tubing and electric systems, gypsum floor pours, and more. Throughout the day, various radiant companies will demonstrate installation techniques and provide contractors and others with hands-on opportunities. Their handiwork will be left in place throughout the show, according to the association.
Similarly, ISH North America will allow exhibitors to showcase their products in action at a Product Demonstration Area directly on the exhibit hall floor. It will allow trade buyers and attendees to see the latest innovations and most popular products in detail. "It's one thing to see an item on display on the show floor - it's quite another to see that product in action," stated Roland Bleinroth, president of show organizer and partner Messe Frankfurt Inc.
For more information on ISH, contact Jennifer Jones, Show Manager, Messe Frankfurt Inc., 1600 Parkwood Circle, Ste. 515, Atlanta, GA 30339; 770-984-8016 or 866-984-8016; 770-984-8023 (fax); (e-mail);
Registrants for the Annual RPA Conference may attend all RPA events, as well as ISH North America's trade show and all show-associated seminars. For more information, visit or call 800-660-7187.
Publication date: 06/21/2004