Nov. 28, 2005: Small Businesses Receive Increased Access To Credit
"Increased access to credit is essential for the survival and growth of American small business," said Dr. Chad Moutray, chief economist for the Office of Advocacy. "The information contained in this report helps small business owners find banks providing that access, and it helps banks understand how they compare to their competitors in commitment to small business lending."
The report, "Small Business and Micro Business Lending in the United States, for Data Years 2003-2004," includes rankings of the top state lenders for loans under $1 million (small business) and $100,000 (micro business), based on the Reports of Condition and Income (Call Report) and Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) data. Four sets of tables rank large bank holding companies (BHC) and commercial banks nationally and by state. The findings note:
For more information and a complete copy of the report including the ranking of banks by state, visit
Publication date: 11/28/2005