The ACCA online product catalog includes manuals and guides for designing and installing a/c systems. This comes in handy because many local building departments require contractors to submit plans based on these manuals, some of which are sanctioned by mechanical code organizations.
Some on the online products available include:
- Hire Dimensions HireCheck software, a pre-employment background checking software program;
- Section 608 Refrigeration and Recovery Certification, which includes test training and study materials to help technicians and students learn information for the EPA’s required certification;
Residential Load Calculation-Manual J, seventh edition, which is included in the Uniform Mechanical Code, 2000 edition, published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials; and
- Customer Service Handbook for HVACR Technicians, which includes tips to help technicians compete in today’s marketplace by under-standing and practicing outstand-ing customer relations and service.
“The ACCA e-store provides secure socket layer technology (SSL) to keep all your transactions private and secure,” said Francis Alvero, manager of order fulfillment.