March 14, 2005: ASHRAE Announces Spring Professional Development Seminars
ATLANTA - Four professional development seminars, including two online courses, will be offered this spring by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). "Design and Specification of Direct Digital Control (DDC) Systems," March 22-23, Seattle; instructors Jim Coogan, P.E., principal engineer in product development and applications, Siemens Building Technologies, Buffalo Grove, Ill, and Dave Kahn, P.E., controls engineer, The RMH Group, Denver. The seminar provides an overview of DDC systems, including system hardware, software, control theory, and system application.
"Air System Design and Retrofit," March 29-30, Philadelphia; instructors William P. Bahnfleth, Ph.D., P.E., associate professor of architectural engineering, Pennsylvania State University-University Park, and Stanley A. Mumma, Ph.D., P.E., architectural engineering professor, Pennsylvania State University. The seminar features practical examples and applications, with a step-by-step approach to the design of new systems to minimize fan energy usage. "System Selection and Report," 1-4 p.m. (EDT), April 5-6, instructor David M. Elovitz, P.E., owner, Energy Economics Inc., Natick, Mass. The seminar describes a methodology for recognizing, defining, and confirming the building owner's goals for an HVAC system.
"Optimizing the Design and Control of Chilled Water Plants," 1-4 p.m. (EDT), April 12-13, instructor Mark Hydeman, P.E., principal, Taylor Engineering, Alameda, Calif. The seminar presents techniques for the design and control of energy-efficient and life-cycle cost optimized chilled water plants.
The on-site seminars are:
The cost of the on-site seminars is $955 each ($855 each for ASHRAE members).
The online seminars are:
The cost of the online seminars is $690 each ($590 for ASHRAE members).
For more information or to register for a seminar, visit
Publication date: 03/14/2005