CHERRY HILL, N.J. - The class "How to Conduct a Sick Building Syndrome IAQ/HVAC Assessment" will be offered by the MidAtlantic Environmental Hygiene Resource Center (MEHRC) on Oct. 17 and 18, 2006, at P&K Microbiology in Cherry Hill, N.J. According to MEHRC, indoor air quality has become a major issue in the past two decades. Many times, the HVAC system is implicated in indoor air quality complaints, both for comfort and health. It can distribute pollutants within a building and even be the source of pollutants. IAQ problems, however, can and often are more than just HVAC system problems. This course highlights the major IAQ issues and provides a multidisciplinary outlook for assessment that incorporates HVAC systems, health complaints, investigation of pollutant sources, and pathways for these sources. Speakers will be Howard Bader, P.E., and John Tiffany of Tiffany Bader Environmental. Cost of the course is $575. To access a registration form, go to For more information, contact Lora Pawelczak at or phone 866-871-1984.

Publication date: 09/11/2006