"Thermal Energy Storage: A Guide for Commercial HVAC Contractors" was written for contractors in a step-by-step format, says ACCA. The purpose of the guide is to increase the reader's understanding of TES technologies and applications, and to elevate comfort levels so that contractors can consider TES solutions.
With the recent focus on energy sources and costs, TES technologies can reduce on-peak electric demand and shift electric loads from on-peak to non-peak periods, ACCA says. TES can also reduce the sizes of fans and pump motors. While TES is not the answer to the entire nation's energy and environmental problems, it will often reduce the owners' energy costs, improve the system operation, and/or provide equipment redundancy, says the association.
The guide reviews the advantages and disadvantages of different TES systems and discusses various flow schematics along with control strategies. It explains design benefits such as time-of-day use, large fluid delta-Ts, and lower fluid distribution temperatures. There are also sizing examples that are intended to help contractors quickly estimate the chiller and TES component sizes.
For more information or to order the guide, visit www.acca.org/store or call 888-290-2220.
Publication date: 03/07/2005