The U.S. Department of Commerce has announced an affirmative preliminary determination in its antidumping duty investigation of imports of HFC refrigerants from China. This encompasses both blends and single-component HFCs.
The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) has determined that there is a reasonable indication that the U.S. refrigerants industry is being materially injured by reason of imports of HFC blends and components from China that are allegedly sold in the United States at less than fair value.
The American Hydrofluorocarbon Coalition, a group of refrigerant suppliers, has filed an antidumping duty petition charging that unfairly traded imports of certain HFC blends and components from China are causing material injury to the U.S. domestic fluoro-chemicals industry.
Mexichem announced that its subsidiary, Mexichem Fluor, has appealed the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) ruling that the import of Chinese refrigerants does not harm the U.S. refrigerant gas industry.
Mexichem, a global specialty chemicals company that produces refrigerant gases, announced that the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) has ruled that imports of R-134a refrigerant from China do not harm United States industry. This ruling, however, runs counter to a U.S. Department of Commerce proposed final resolution.
European contractor’s association AREA has launched its guide on the new F-gas regulation, aimed at clarifying the forthcoming changes for professionals who work in the refrigeration, air conditioning, and heat pump sectors.
The IOR chose the subject of refrigerant containment for the re-launch of its annual conference, enabling it to assess progress and examine technology.
The U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) has joined the ruckus over questions about the importation of HFC-134a refrigerant from China. On April 14 the federal agency released what it calls a “preliminary Countervailing Duty Determination (CVD).”
The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) voted 6-0 on Dec. 13 to move forward against China regarding possible illegal hydrofluorocarbon (HFC)-134a coming into the U.S.
The United States International Trade Commission (ITC) on Dec. 13 voted 6-0 to move forward against China regarding possible illegal HFC-134a refrigerant coming into the United States. The ITC said in a news release that there is a “reasonable indication” that U.S. industry is materially injured by the imports.