Built from the ground up, four new 45-degree Offset Snip Solutions are designed for metalworking and mechanical professionals who encounter directional cuts in ductwork or sheet metal and need to keep their hands away from the material.
Taking a few minutes to investigate your component selection on the airside can help point out if that default duct design has the potential to work or if it is doomed from the start.
Pull-Tight is a patent pending, value-engineered product utilizing a combination of tensioning baskets and internal hoops to support, streamline, and tension a fabric system.
As home-performance contracting continues to gain traction in the U.S., many HVAC professionals are taking a whole-house approach instead of simply fixing immediate HVAC problems.
Contractors adding duct renovation services to their repertoires can improve both the contractor’s bottom line as well as their reputation as a high-end HVAC contractor.
Just as an infection can spread from one part of the body to another, so can contaminated air, which is why an increasing number of home and building owners are choosing to install UV products.
There is a gap of knowledge between the professionals who design, fabricate, and install ductwork and the experts who inspect it after it’s in operation. The Building Inspectors Program, a course presented by the International Training Institute (ITI), has been developed to bridge that gap between sheet metal contractors and building and fire inspectors.
Once the realization is made that the HVAC equipment is a component of the HVAC system and not the HVAC system itself, a contractor and homeowner can start to address the real issues.
EMCOR Group Inc. announced that its subsidiary, F&G Mechanical Corp., has been awarded a contract to repair damage to the Statue of Liberty National Monument and Ellis Island, New York, caused by Hurricane Sandy in October 2012.