Heat pumps from Bosch, Daikin, Midea, and Johnson Controls are moving to the next phase of the challenge, which involves installing and monitoring prototypes in cold-climate locations throughout the U.S. and Canada.
A Google search for terms like “furnace” or “heat pump” will yield information on how the system works and its efficiency, plus side-by-side comparisons and, if applicable, available financial incentives that can defray the consumer’s costs.
As techs familiarize themselves with the nuances of a heat pump, there are a few common problematic areas they must concentrate on to ensure the equipment runs efficiently and effectively for years to come.
The move is a reaction to rising refrigerant and overall logistical costs, and the increases will take effect Jan. 1, 2024, a press release from WaterFurnace said.
METUS joined a multi-company pledge to assist California achieve its climate goal of installing six million heat pumps in the state’s building by 2023.