I’m based in northern Illinois, and but it is not my fault that the AHR Expo takes place in Chicago during the potentially coldest and heaviest snowfall time of the year.
Show management announced that the 2012 International Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigerating Exposition (AHR Expo) has established a new all-time attendance record with nearly 40,000 registered visitors for the Chicago expo.
The Intelli-Hood kitchen ventilation control from Melink Corp. was named the Product of the Year at the Innovation Awards ceremony at the 2012 International Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigerating Exposition (AHR Expo).
At an AHR Expo press conference, Xylem Inc. announced that its Bell & Gossett ESP System Syzer is now available for mobile handheld devices. The ESP-System Syzer is calculates flow rates and pressure drops in piping systems.
At the AHR Expo, Unico Inc., which manufactures small-duct, high-velocity central heating and air conditioning systems, announced a partnership with Argoclima, which is based in Milan, Italy.