Considered to be the premier event in the HVACR industry, the AHR Expo is the place where contractors, engineers, and other building professionals meet to learn about new products.
The conference, along with the AHR Expo, are historically ASHRAE’s best-attended events, giving attendees from around the world the opportunity to discuss the latest topics in the building industry.
According to an ASHRAE and AHR Expo survey sent to more than 1,000 HVACR manufacturers worldwide, there is growing optimism for improving business prospects in 2015. Based on survey results, 87 percent of respondents said their prospects for business were either “excellent” (26 percent) or “good” (61 percent) for the coming year.
According to a post-show survey of several thousand industry professionals who attended the 2014 AHR Expo, 94 percent said they came to see “what’s new” in the marketplace.
The winners of the 2015 AHR Expo Innovation Awards have been announced. Representing the major segments of the HVACR marketplace, the winning entries were selected in 10 categories as the most innovative new products among the thousands that will be displayed at the 2015 AHR Expo.
International Exposition Co., producer and manager of the International Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigerating Exposition (AHR Expo), announced that submissions for the 2015 AHR Expo Innovation Awards are now being accepted through Sept. 8, 2014.
The Radiant Professionals Alliance (RPA) has announced that it will hold its Annual Meeting and Conference in conjunction with the 2015 AHR Expo that takes place in Chicago from Jan. 26-28, as well as significantly expand its overall presence at the expo.
According to a 2014 AHR Expo post-show survey of attendees, 41 percent of the more than 2,000 respondents said they came to the show seeking products related to “renewable energy resources” (geothermal, solar, etc.).