During this process, the company’s website states that it would coordinate with customers, suppliers, and employees to provide an orderly end to production. The company did not respond to requests for additional information, but the closure is expected to result in the loss of 470 jobs.
Doesn’t that whole metaphor make your brain on drugs seem a little too much like part of a delicious, nutritious breakfast? Maybe we should leave that to the zombie community and turn our attention to Harvard University, where some researchers who are interested in the effects of temperature have released their work.
While HVAC manufacturers claim the market for high-end air conditioners is growing, the reality is the market is determined by consumers and those with boots on the ground — the contractors.
A new analysis by the International Energy Agency shows how new standards can help the world avoid facing such a “cold crunch” by helping improve efficiency while also staying cool.
Systems with Greenspeed intelligence run quietly and at different speeds, allowing them to operate at longer run times but at lower and steadier capacities to better manage humidity.
SOURCE: Information contained in these graphs are courtesy of the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI). Industry figures are estimates that are derived from the best available figures supplied by a sample of AHRI member companies.
This chassis provides on-demand ventilation or constant outside air conditioning to meet code requirements without additional field installed ductwork or equipment.
Haier Group Corp. launched an air conditioner under its Casarte brand that utilizes Covestro’s continuous fiber-reinforced thermoplastic (CFRTP) composites.