As its pool heater business continues to grow, Lochinvar announced that it has expanded its team of employees dedicated to pool product development, sales, and support.
As Benjamin Franklin once famously said, “In life, nothing is certain but death and taxes.” Many business owners might argue that “regulations” could have been added to that quote as well, given the large number of new rules imposed each year by local, state, and federal governments.
There is so much happening in our business world today that it is often difficult for us as contractors to stay focused on the real purposes for which we are in business. What is that purpose and how can you stay informed?
Every week, contractors miss out on 30 percent or more of the work they could be doing. The work is there, it’s ready to be taken, and customers are eagerly waiting to give you their hard earned dollars to do the work — if, and only if, you get your head out of your past and join modern society.
Buying a new construction-oriented HVAC contracting business in Indianapolis in 2007 was very risky, but growing that $2 million business during an economic downturn into a $27 million contracting giant in five years is almost beyond belief. How was it done?
“He was great in the field but he’s a lousy manager” is a common complaint among owners of service companies. So what’s an owner need to do to find a good manager? Here are some guidelines to help you pick the best manager from within.
Disability claims are always challenging for employers, but this is especially the case when pregnant workers suffer complications that leave them unable to perform their normal job duties.
A new web service, ContractorText, has been launched to provide contractors with a mass text messaging service designed to streamline business communications.