The Intertek certification verifies that the device meets the safety and performance requirements for refrigerant detection systems outlined in Annex LL of UL 60335-2-40:2022 Ed. 4 and CSA C22.2#60335-2-40:2022 Ed. 4.
RDSs are generally required in A2L systems that contain more than 4 pounds of refrigerant and can either be field or factory-installed, depending on the manufacturer.
HVAC contractors that carefully follow the proper sequence of operations can minimize the threat of CO₂ leakage for their customers, themselves, and the environment
A North Carolina-based community college replaces an aging metal-clad cooling tower with a modern HDPE unit, reducing maintenance spending while increasing efficiency.
While servicing equipment, technicians should be on the lookout for sources of potential future leaks, as well as follow good service practices to prevent creating leaks.