“In the realm of customer service, few shine as brightly as Zach Fellows,” said Michael Dungan of Sales Engineers Inc. in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, who nominated Fellows.
Each week, DuctWord gives players six guesses to decode a hidden word. The word of the week will be related to the HVACR industry and, once solved, will link to one of our most popular articles on the topic. There’s also a leaderboard where players can log their high scores to win bragging rights.
All of these women have made a mark on the HVAC industry and continue to do so. While they serve in different areas of the industry, each is making a contribution to both improve the industry and make it a more welcoming career for females.
I truly believe this is such a rewarding industry. Don’t let the belief that it is a man’s field limit you. There are so many different avenues of work and positions within the trades. And, quite frankly, the trades need you.
I get so excited when I work a trade show or do an open house at a distributor and the trade schools come through because I am seeing more and more women actively learning to become HVACR technicians.
This industry can provide you with a rewarding career in everything from technical positions, to sales, to accounting, to owning and running your own business. Follow your passion and be true to yourself — you will love it.
I encourage all women in the engineering profession to volunteer their time at schools and universities where they can encourage girls and young women to pursue a career in engineering. I believe showing other women that their goals are achievable inspires them to fight for a place in STEM.
Every time you hear that this is not the industry for you or you will never make anything of yourself, use that as motivation to succeed. It is very rewarding to prove the naysayers wrong. It is even more rewarding to fulfill your dreams and help others achieve theirs.
HVAC is a wonderful industry to get into. There are so many different avenues to pursue that can go beyond field work — although that’s a great option, too. The opportunities in HVAC are endless, and we’d love to have you join.