For the time being, the 25C residential energy tax credit has officially expired. Since many HVAC residential contractors used the tax credit as a selling tool, there has been a lot of discussion about how the expiration will affect the industry, and if there is any hope for an extension of the credit.
The 25C tax credits have been a popular sales tool for residential HVAC contractors since their introduction in 2006. Late last year, Congress extended the credits through 2011, and now many in the industry are wondering if Congress will extend the credits again for 2012.
When the U.S. government offered up to $1,500 in tax credits for higher efficiency appliances, HVAC contractors got their foot in the doors of consumers who might not normally have considered buying high-end. Since the tax credits were reduced in 2011, the same selling opportunities have dried up too — or have they?
Since the tax credit program became available, all types of geothermal options have been on the minds of the building community. The earth loop, often referred to as the refrigerant loop, may be installed in three different configurations: diagonal, vertical, and horizontal.
What once was an inviting $1,500 tax credit is now a return to the traditional selling methods of explaining features and benefits of high efficiency products to homeowners. While it may be necessary to shift gears to a new selling strategy, some things still remain the same.