Working through one company and a fixed stipend, EaaS/EEaaS is designed to simplify and streamline all on-site efficiency upgrades, eliminating massive equipment costs, supply chain delays, unexpected maintenance charges, and more.
The Pratt Institute’s Ice Box Challenge is set to launch on May 1 in the Rose Garden of the main campus, with the final result to be revealed on May 8th
The students at Pratt are the first to feature a modular construction technique, which will allow the two ice box structures to be deconstructed and reassembled on other campuses.
ECM Technologies has been recognized by the distinguished sustainability awards program for its HVAC treatment, ThermaClear, and partnership with the city of Phoenix.
Five members of Congress from Arizona are seeking to postpone the implementation of new energy efficiency standards for central air conditioners and heat pumps.
For many manufacturers, higher efficiency systems have been in the works for a while, but the 2023 DOE standards, pandemic, and current supply chain issues have added pressure.
The moment for geothermal seemed to have arrived several times since the 1970s. A number of factors are forecasting wider use of this type of heating and cooling solution.
Energy-efficiency-as-a-service (EEaaS) is a relatively new offering. It tasks a third party with financing and performing the required upgrades to make buildings more efficient.