Just when Geothermal Exchange Organization (GEO) president Doug Dougherty thought Congress had passed a bill recognizing geothermal heat pumps as renewable energy sources, it was taken away.
The Geothermal Exchange Organization (GEO) board of directors voted unanimously to present Southern Co./Gulf Power Co. with its Utility Excellence award, recognizing outstanding promotion of geothermal heat pumps by an electric service provider.
The Geothermal Exchange Organization (GEO) board of directors voted unanimously to present The Southern Company/Gulf Power with its Utility Excellence Award.
It was a good year for geothermal, and much of that credit must go to Doug Dougherty and his staff at the Geothermal Exchange Organization (GEO). Well, if you can call the 1.5 people working for the GEO president and CEO his “staff.” Those accomplishments are the reason Dougherty was named a 2012 NEWSmaker.
Legislation that encourages DOE to provide no less than $10 million “to support research, development, and strategic deployment of geothermal heat pump (GHP) technology” has been approved. Following a request from DOE for industry input, GEO presented its ideas.
The Geothermal Exchange Organization (GEO) stands behind New Hampshire’s newly approved law, S.B. 213, which adds thermal renewable energy sources to compliance measures that electric utilities can deploy to meet the requirements of the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard.
Doug Dougherty, president of the Geothermal Exchange Organization (GEO) submitted a statement for the record regarding S. 2146, the Clean Energy Standard Act of 2012 (CES), which is now before the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.
The Geothermal Exchange Organization (GEO) announced that it has presented its Geothermal Heat Pump Industry Champion awards to Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.), chairman of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, and Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), ranking Republican on the same committee.
ClimaCool hires national service manager; Carrier’s Infinity® 20 heat pump with Greenspeed™ intelligence named a Hot 50 Product; WaterFurnace CEO elected chairman of GEO; Trane’s ComfortLink™ II Control receives top honors in product design.