The photograph with this column was taken from the balcony of a supermarket in the Baltimore area during a tour of several stores at the Food Marketing Institute Energy and Store Development Conference. Notice the massive amount of floor space and products on display.
To me, cleanliness is extremely important, especially as to what the meat preparation area looks like after it is closed for the evening. I would hope all customers put high priority on store cleanliness and store owners do the same.
Regarding food service, refrigeration contractors are most concerned and familiar with ice machines, freezers, and coolers. Outside of the restaurant industry, HVACR contractors can be found spending a great deal of attention on the preservation of wine, which requires refrigeration, spot-cooling air conditioning, frozen food treat dispensers, and alternative ways of using CO2.
Tecumseh Products Co. has kicked off its Big Chill2 Condensing Unit Promotion. The company noted that the rewards program has garnered substantial support from its wholesalers. In comparison to last year’s promotion, wholesaler participation has increased over 200 percent.
I have always been impressed with the true refrigeration professional; the type of guy that not only is able to fix a problem, but also understands the why behind the problem. These guys are not satisfied with just knowing how to replace a failed component . They want to know why it failed.
Technicians should make safety a first priority when working on any refrigeration system. There are many potential hazards associated with installing, servicing, and maintaining these systems. One of these potential hazards is the refrigerant within the system.