This is the first step by the DOE in issuing a ruling that could establish the 2013 standard as the commercial building reference standard for state building energy codes.
ASHRAE has announced the availability of the newly revised ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 105-2014, Standard Methods of Determining, Expressing, and Comparing Building Energy Performance and Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
ASHRAE announced that new tests and test improvements are included in the newly published ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135.1-2013, Method of Test for Conformance to BACnet.
This technical bulletin is particularly important for contractors who are currently following ASHRAE 62.2-2010, as ASHRAE has made major modifications to its latest update, ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2-2013.
Because high plug loads and rapidly advancing IT technology make data centers significantly different from commercial buildings, a purposed standard from ASHRAE that specifically addresses the energy requirements of data centers is now open for advisory public review.
ASHRAE's newly published manual is based on the guidelines in Standard 170 and provides design recommendations for health care facilities with an emphasis on proven, cost-effective solutions that result in reduced infections, lower maintenance, and higher reliability.
RPA hires technical director; ASHRAE revises its filtration standard; Mechanical Contractors Association of Metropolitan Washington names 2013 president; Greater Philadelphia Chapter of the Association of Energy Engineers names its Energy Engineer of the Year.