ACCA announced that Vince and Laura DiFilippo of DiFilippo’s Service Company in Paoli, Pennsylvania, have been awarded the Federated Insurance ACCA Super S.T.A.R. Award. ACCA Corporate Partner Federated Insurance presents the ACCA Super S.T.A.R. Award annually to an ACCA member who prioritizes the four components of the award: safety, teamwork, accountability, and responsibility. To be eligible for the award, a contracting company must be both an ACCA member in good standing and a current Federated Insurance client.
ANNANDALE, Minnesota — Malco Products, SBC, was recently honored for its dedication to workplace safety and health with a Meritorious Achievement Award from the Governor’s Safety Awards program, coordinated by the Minnesota Safety Council.
FAIRFAX, Va. – The Sheet Metal Occupational Health Institute Trust (SMOHIT), the safety arm of the unionized sheet metal and air conditioning industry, recently gave out its 2018 Safety Champion Awards to those in the industry who exemplified a safety culture.
Emcor Group Inc., a leading provider of mechanical and electrical construction, energy infrastructure, and building services, announced it was presented its third Chairman’s Award from CNA.
ACCA’s Safety Excellence Award reinforces an employer’s commitment to employees and the local community and serves as a strong recruitment tool for potential employees.
Armistead Mechanical Inc., a provider of mechanical construction, engineering, and contracting services throughout the New Jersey/New York area, has received two awards recognizing the company’s outstanding safety record.
Chas Roberts Air Conditioning & Plumbing recently received the Liberty Mutual Gold Safety Award for 2013. The company also received the award in 2010, 2011, and 2012.
ACCA awarded three companies with the 2013 Safety Excellence award, sponsored by Federated Insurance, a company that provides businesses with risk management tools and resources.
EMCOR Group Inc., a leader in mechanical and electrical construction, energy infrastructure, and facilities services, announced that, for a second time, EMCOR has received a Chairman’s Safety Award from CNA, one of the nation’s leading commercial insurance providers.