Three leading organizations representing the home inspection, real estate, and green building industries have approved the Building Performance Institute’s (BPI’s) Building Science Principles (BSP) Certificate of Knowledge for the continuing education of their members.
Building Performance Institute Inc. (BPI) has announced the launch of the BPI GoldStar Contractor program, a companywide credentialing program designed to recognize home performance contractors committed to quality.
The Building Performance Institute Inc. (BPI) has announced the launch of the BPI Product Listing Program, a system that the organization said will evaluate and list the home performance tools, products, and materials that meet product specification industry standards.
The program will provide customers with an accessible, easy-to-understand rating of their home that can be combined with a comprehensive home energy audit.
As part of its consumer outreach, the Building Performance Institute Inc. (BPI) announced that it will participate in the third USA Science & Engineering Festival Expo, April 26-27 in Washington, D.C. The free, family-friendly expo allows kids and adults to participate in more than 3,000 hands-on activities.
BPI is adapting criteria requirements for its Building Analyst (BA) certification upgrade due to collaboration and feedback between BPI and practitioners in the field.
The Building Performance Institute Inc. (BPI) has announced the launch of a national rating program to provide customers with an affordable, easy to understand rating of their home that can be combined with a comprehensive home energy audit.
Building Performance Institute Inc. is adapting criteria requirements for its Building Analyst (BA) certification upgrade due to collaboration and feedback between BPI and practitioners in the field.
The Building Performance Institute Inc. (BPI) announced that, in response to industry feedback regarding the Building Analyst (BA) certification upgrade requirements, BPI is adapting those requirements, allowing BA professionals more time and flexibility to upgrade their certification.