Telkonet Inc. has announced its selection as a finalist in this year’s Fierce Innovation Awards: Energy Edition, a utility-reviewed awards program from the publishers of FierceEnergy and FierceSmartGrid. Telkonet was recognized as a finalist in the category of Energy Efficiency.
Sandia National Laboratories’ Institutional Transformation (IX) model is helping the federal laboratory reduce its energy consumption and could help other large enterprises do the same. The IX model allows planners to experiment with energy conservation measures, such as replacing old HVAC systems, before making expensive changes.
Green is really more of a grey area, especially for HVAC contractors. While some enthusiastically believe green still means go, others feel the terminology that once created a spark has all but fizzled out.
Ingersoll Rand announced that it is committing at the 2014 Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Annual Meeting and United Nations Climate Summit to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by half by 2020. The company said its commitment will avoid the same amount of CO2 emissions that can result from powering nearly 2 million homes for a year.
ABM , a leading provider of facility solutions, announced its ABM Building Services business has been selected by the city of Harrisonburg, Virginia, to implement a second phase of energy efficiency and facility improvements through ABM’s Bundled Energy Solutions program.
While September can be slightly cooler, it’s often when a/c systems stop working. The relentless heat of July and August takes a toll on a/c equipment new and old. But consumers can hack their a/c bills to save money throughout September and into the cold months ahead.
Three quarters of decision-makers at U.S. companies have invested in energy efficiency programs in the past 12 months, and more than half (56 percent) project their investment in energy efficiency next year will be more than last year, according to survey results released by Schneider Electric.
While advancements have been made in the efficiency of HVAC equipment, the actual energy consumption of HVAC systems depends largely on their operation, which can be made much more efficient and less energy-intensive through the application of advanced HVAC controls, says Navigant Research.
An Emerson Climate Technologies survey has shown that while many HVAC contractors remain uninformed about changes in energy-efficiency regulations coming in 2015, some are thinking ahead to how these changes will affect their businesses.
Hawaii Energy is launching the Hawaii Energy Efficiency Auction. The auction is an open call for contractors, developers, energy efficiency solution providers, and others to submit qualified energy efficiency projects to compete for up to $2.1 million in incentive funds to offset project costs.