The TrilliumSeries™ refrigeration system condenser uses a patented Dry-Coil Adiabatic™ design that provides up to 18 percent peak energy reduction, uses up to 60 percent less refrigerant charge, and lowers operating costs with a smaller refrigeration system, said the company.
The VaporVue is a visible vapor charging device that absorbs heat naturally and flashes the liquid refrigerant from the cylinder and charges into the system as a vapor.
The patent-pending VaporVue is a visible vapor charging device that absorbs heat naturally and flashes the liquid refrigerant from the cylinder and charges into the system as a vapor.
Part 1 of this series discussed methods to significantly reduce recovery times and brazing techniques to significantly reduce the time required for evacuation. This article covers system commissioning, including tools and techniques that reduce the time required for pressure testing, evacuation, setting airflow, charging, and performance testing.