Any person or contractor replacing a mercury-containing thermostat in Massachusetts must now deliver it to an appropriate collection site to be recycled.
What would you do with extra profit? This article explains how to upsell to homeowners the value that you provide as an expert in retrofitting homes that have products needing special disposal, such as refrigerant and mercury thermostats.
Effective July 1, any person or contractor who replaces a mercury-containing thermostat in New York or Connecticut must deliver it to an appropriate collection site to be recycled.
The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Mercury Collection Project and The Environmental Quality Co. (EQ) have again partnered to facilitate the collection of mercury.
While having mercury thermostats in homes and buildings across the U.S. is not necessarily a bad thing, controlling what happens to those thermostats after they’ve been pulled off the wall is vital in keeping the powerful neurotoxin out of the environment.
EQ-The Environmental Quality Company is partnering with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Mercury Collection Project. This is an ongoing effort to collect and properly recycle mercury.
The Environmental Quality Co. (EQ) is partnering with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Mercury Collection Project. This is an ongoing effort to collect and properly recycle mercury.
Honeywell is partnering with distributors and contractors to collect thermostats nationwide to support the Thermostat Recycling Corp.’s (TRC) efforts to recover and properly dispose of mercury thermostats.