The nine-month UTI program covers air handling and hydronics, AC and DC circuits and components, sheet-metal ductwork, vent system selection and installation, and mechanical and electronic controls troubleshooting.
The mission of the American Council for Construction Education is to be a leading global advocate for quality construction education and to promote, support, and accredit quality construction education programs.
If an HVAC contractor possesses knowledge pertaining to IAQ solutions and how to approach the subject with a homeowner, they are in a good spot to sell the equipment.
Operating in 62 locations worldwide, the LG HVAC Academy provides comprehensive training on installing and maintaining LG’s residential and commercial HVAC systems, including its high-efficiency chillers.
Climate Control Group, an HVAC manufacturer with five factory locations in Oklahoma City, is working to support the launch of the Oklahoma chapter of the Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education.
Peterman Brothers has branches dispersed across wide geographic areas, and the partnership will enable the company to overcome cost and capacity challenges by providing consistent and scalable online training, regardless of location.