Laughlin spent many years working and developing relationships in the HVACR industry, was past president of Arzel Zoning, and served on the board of directors of the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI).
“I’m looking forward to having the opportunity to work with a team focused on growth with the automation and interconnect products and taking the great channel we have established and moving it to the next level,” Bukowski said.
The ice storage tanks store energy, similar to a battery, and use that energy to cool commercial buildings during times when the cost of energy is high.
This price increase, ranging from 4 percent on most equipment and 2 percent on parts, is driven by notable increases in raw material costs, freight, shipping materials, and purchased part components.
Schott’s (Mainz, Germany) Termofrost Smart Access hands-free glass door system received the gold prize for its product design in the retail category of the 2018 German Design Awards.