While variable-frequency drives (VFDs) boast increased energy efficiency as the main benefit, a small — but by no means insignificant — percentage of the drives are causing major problems in the motor they control.
A new book, Electricity for HVACR, by Joe Moravek, has been released by Pearson Publishers. According to the author, this book was written to help a person with no electrical experience or training to understand the operation of HVACR electrical circuits and how to troubleshoot and repair an HVACR system.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced funding for projects to improve electric service in rural areas across 13 states, including more than $6 million in smart grid funding, which will increase access to information to better manage electricity use.
The AAF-HermanNelson® self-contained unit ventilators with two-stage compressors are ideal for classroom retrofits because they are an affordable alternative to renovations, fit easily into existing ventilator space, offer the ultimate classroom comfort for students and teachers, and meet energy-efficiency requirements, states the company.