As applications for CO₂ refrigeration systems expand, the industry must increase its competences regarding its use. To help address this growing need, Danfoss developed the Mobile CO₂ Training Unit in 2016.
This Energy Star-rated furnace offers a two-stage gas valve that switches between high- and low-fire settings for added comfort and up to 96 percent AFUE heating efficiency, lowering homeowners’ energy bills.
Southwire announced that it will reorganize its executive leadership and business structure. Through this new alignment, Southwire is placing an increased emphasis on its core wire and cable business and looking at opportunities to focus more intently on areas like metals management, modernization, research and development, and systems optimization, all while remaining a premier employer and best serving the needs of its customers.
The agreement brings together Optimum Energy’s creative technology with Belimo’s hardware innovation to make smart valves even smarter and more valuable with practical, energy-saving solutions.
The Daikin One+ smart thermostat offers full two-way communications and serves as a cloud-connected hub and controller for sophisticated, communicating HVAC systems.
This price adjustment is driven by double digit increases of steel and aluminum components, tariffs, and healthcare, combined with global inflation in labor and freight.
The amended guidelines acknowledge that the original numerical collection goals calling for a specific number of mercury containing thermostats were unrealistic moving forward. The regulation modified both collection targets and added a series of programmatic activities to complete annually.
Commercial Air’s staff of experienced field technicians will provide the combined company with one of the largest and most highly trained technical service groups in Arizona.
The book is clearly written and easy to understand, providing a basic foundation for learning how to use wiring diagrams and test equipment to troubleshoot HVACR electrical systems. Designed for HVACR students, apprentices, and technicians new to the craft, it can be effectively used in training programs with guidance from instructors and service managers to help technicians develop their troubleshooting skills.