The contest has received more than a thousand student entries from hundreds of trade schools over the last two years since its origin, successfully supporting the next generation of HVACR technicians.
Since the introduction of the Energy Savings Dashboard, Armstrong Design Envelope HVAC solutions have saved customers more than 630 million kWh of energy, representing a carbon emission savings of more than 212,000 tons of CO2 and a cost saving of more than $60 million.
The Clean Air Awards are presented each year to building owners and managers who take steps to significantly improve the quality of their indoor air by increasing the level or efficiency of their HVAC air filtration system in 10 specific categories.
Installed prices for residential and small nonresidential systems completed in 2014 were $0.40 per watt (W) lower, and prices for large non-residential systems were $0.70 per W lower, than in the prior year.