According to the report, the forms of the resilience challenge are potentially diverse — including climate change, disease pandemics, economic fluctuations, and terrorism. And communities, specifically urban areas that are expected to house nearly 70 percent of the earth’s population by 2050, were not designed to handle the impacts.
How can service organizations better brand their companies and their open positions in a way that really speaks to and attracts younger talent that has different needs, goals, and drivers?
HERN is a network made up of manufacturers, wholesalers, publishers, credentialing bodies, soft skill providers, teaching aid providers, educators and trainers, educational institutions, and other industry-related organizations.
The building is located at 180 Technology Parkway in Peachtree Corners, and is approximately 10 miles north of ASHRAE’s current location. The 1970s-era building was selected from existing building stock with a goal of retrofitting it into a modern, high-performance building.
Trautman started the new position in November, and is focused on supporting unitary sales with large, national distributors. He will also support other unitary sales activities.
The AHR breakfast presentation kicked off with Kevin McNamara, senior vice president and general manager, Air Conditioning Technologies, LG Electronics USA, describing how consumers might see an entire wall of VRF units at an outlet in Europe, while there might be just a few units here in the U.S. However, he sees the U.S. as finally being past the tipping point now for broader acceptance, announcing that LG will be “investing very heavily here in the U.S. to make clear what we can do for our customers.”