Lisa Riles, director, global residential Americas, CBS and HVAC, Xylem, met with Engineered Systems’ editor-in-chief, Herb Woerpel, to discuss Xylem’s Watermark program, some recent industry trends, and more.
Many decisions are made during the design of a chilled water plant that have long-lasting impacts on the facility’s energy use and demand. Additionally, consistent operations, benchmarking, and submetering can help perpetuate savings throughout a building’s life cycle.
Since its inception in 1954, more than 62,000 engineers, contractors, and other hydronic HVAC and plumbing professionals have been educated at the Little Red School House in Morton Grove, Illinois.
Fisonic Devices (FDs) are heat exchangers, pumps, and mixers with patented optimized internal geometry. The theory of Fisonic devices was developed by Professor Fisenko by addressing safety problems of the Russian nuclear submarines during the disruption of the air tightness of reactor cavity (Ref 1-2).
As the demand for electrical power increases, distribution systems are expanded to accommodate the increased demand. Stiffened transmission systems, increased substation capacity, and added on-site and distributed generation all contribute to increases in available fault currents.
Situated in the heart of downtown Los Angeles, the Sydell Group purchased the historic Bank of Italy building at Giannini Place with the hopes of bringing the booming success of its original NoMad New York City location to LA.