
Sept. 23, 2004: Chiller Systems Group Sets Fall Meeting

September 23, 2004
ATLANTA - The fall meeting of the Chiller Systems Group will be held in Atlanta, Oct. 8-9, hosted by group member Mallory & Evans Service.

Scheduled for the agenda are presentations by York International, Midwest Parts, and Amarillo Gear. In addition, members will engage in discussions regarding Web-based chiller efficiency monitoring and the future of controls and building automation business.

The Chiller Systems Group is a network of 34 independent contractors from the United States and Canada dedicated to knowledge sharing and training to provide building owners the highest level of chiller service, says the organization. Group members annually service more than 8,000 chillers. Meetings are held semi-annually to exchange technical data, best business practices, and stay current on manufacturer and supplier capabilities.

For more information, visit www.chillergroup.com.

Publication date: 09/20/2004