
Aug. 9, 2002: NHRAW Offers Free Sales Training

August 9, 2002
COLUMBUS, OH — As a contribution to help improve retail selling skills, members of the Northamerican Heating, Refrigeration and Airconditioning Wholesalers Association (NHRAW) are now offering free basic sales training lessons to interested dealers and technicians via the NHRAW website. Fourteen topics on the “ABCs of Selling HVAC to the Consumer” have been posted at www.nhraw.org (website).

“These lessons address basic selling principles and are not intended as a substitute for selling seminars conducted by our industry sales consultants,” said Jim Woodruff, chair of the NHRAW Education Committee. “If anything, these lessons could be viewed as a prelude to attending more intense, role-playing sales schools.”

According to NHRAW, the lessons are written specifically for the face-to-face homeowner sales call. Such traditional topics as designing a sales proposal, using the telephone, ways to overcome objections, and how to plan a successful sales call are included in the 14 basic lessons.

Those interested can contact their local NHRAW wholesaler to obtain a website password to download the lessons. For those who wish to verify their understanding of the material, the association’s Home Study Institute will provide an optional test for an administrative fee of $25. Following grading by the institute, a certification of completion will be issued as proof of the undertaking and successful examination.

For more information, call 614-488-1835.

Publication date: 08/05/2002