
Quest Controls Inc.: Building System Web Server

March 5, 2007

An embedded Web server has been added into the Q3BMS™ building management system (BMS). The Web server enables a user to quickly and easily access a BMS over a network connection using a standard Web browser. By using a Web browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer® or Mozilla Firefox®, the user can obtain current status of the facility and make changes to the operation including set point changes and bypassing outputs. The Web server uses frames to hold common data and menus thereby reducing the amount of data traffic to refresh pages or render new pages when navigating the site. Status of active and historical alarms, inputs, outputs, RTUs, and logs can all be reviewed using the Web server. Changes to set points, bypassing outputs, time-of-day, and holiday schedules can be created. This smart interrogation capability enables users to identify the severity of problems at stores, sort out false alarms, and make intelligent decisions as to when a field technician or a contractor needs to visit a remote site. This two-way communication results in reduced contractor and maintenance visits to the site and efficient and flexible operations.

Quest Controls Inc., 941-729-4799; www.questcontrols.com/commercial

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