RLE Technologies: Environmental Monitoring Systems
January 21, 2008

Two new Falcon F-Series units, the F1000 and F3400, are stand-alone systems designed to enable remote environmental monitoring of critical operating parameters via embedded firmware that handles all data collection, alarm reporting, and multiple concurrent communication mediums. Standard F-Series systems allow for direct plug-and-play integration with up to eight RLE SeaHawk leak detection systems via Modbus connectivity. These systems offer the most integration capabilities with existing Network Management Systems (NMS) and Building Management Systems (BMS). Both the F1000 and F3400 accommodate up to four analog, four digital (dry contact), or thermistor signals. The F3400 allows for an additional 24 digital inputs. Inputs can be used to monitor simple contact closure signals such as summary alarms, thermistor temperature sensors, or analog inputs (4-20mA) that provide variable information such as temperature, humidity, voltage, current, and pressure.
RLE Technologies, 104 Racquette Dr., Fort Collins, CO 80524; 970-484-6510; 970-484-6650 (fax); www.rletech.com
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