
McQuay International: Packaged Terminal A/C Units, Heat Pumps

July 28, 2008

The applied packaged terminal air conditioners and heat pumps can be customized at the factory to suit specific application requirements without extensive field modification. The core platform utilizes a cross-tangential fan wheel that provides whisper-quiet operation while delivering maximum airflow with proper air circulation for a comfortable room environment. For replacement applications, the chassis can be configured either to fit a standard 16- by 42-inch or 16- by 44-inch wall sleeve. Heat options include electric, reverse cycle, top-mounted, or sub base hydronic (steam or hot water) and hydronic with supplemental electric heat. Control options include a unit-mounted programmable or nonprogrammable digital touchpad as well as a handheld or wall-mounted radio frequency wireless remote control, which eliminates the cost of installing thermostat wiring. Other applied options include auto-damper, damperless or fan-assisted outside air options to suit climate and building ventilation requirements. Construction options that help reduce installation time and costs include customized wall sleeves and cabinets with extended depths and custom colors, as well as brick stops, support legs, and kickplates for masonry, panel, or window wall construction.

McQuay International, 13600 Industrial Park Blvd., Minneapolis, MN 55441; 800-432-1342; www.mcquay.com

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