
March 27, 2009: Emerson Network Power Offers Maintenance Tips for IT Cooling Equipment

March 27, 2009

COLUMBUS, Ohio - With sales of IT equipment falling due to current economic conditions, many companies are relying heavily on existing equipment to maintain operations. To support those companies that rely on their IT equipment, Emerson Network Power Liebert Services has released tips that include how to maintain existing cooling infrastructure through preventive maintenance.

“There is a lot of pressure on our customers to hold down capital expenses so they are trying to do more with what they have and some are pushing their systems beyond what they were originally planned for,” said Frank Bibens, president of Liebert Services. “This has made our facility assessment services more important as end-users try to get more from their infrastructure.”

According to Bibens, implementing a preventive maintenance strategy can greatly reduce having to repair or replace important components that could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars if not properly maintained.

Preventive maintenance tips for cooling equipment include:

• Air Filters - Clogged air filters reduce the airflow through the systems and increase the load on the blower drive system. This may result in reduced system cooling performance, higher operating costs, reduced component life of the blower drive systems, and higher operating temperatures of the equipment in the data center.

• Blower Drive System - Blower belts, bearings, motors, and wheels need to be inspected regularly. Wear or damage to any of these components may result in the reduction or loss of airflow or reduced cooling performance.

• Steam Generating Humidifiers - Humidifiers can be connected with valves and hoses that may leak and clog drains over time. Steam generating humidifiers are vulnerable to water deposits that can diminish humidifier performance.

• Infrared Humidifiers - IR humidifier bulbs can burn out, diminishing performance. Drains and pans should be inspected for deposits and clogs.

• Reheat - Inspect and clean reheat elements and tighten support hardware.

• Compressor - Inspect oil level and check for leaks. Compressors running with too much or too little oil will see diminished service life. Always use the OEM recommended type of oil supplied with the compressor.

• Facility Fluid and Piping - Units connected to facility water or glycol should have necessary maintenance performed to assure the quality of the fluid. Contaminants in these fluids can lead to diminished performance.

• Evaporator Coils - Evaporator coils should be checked periodically to verify they are clean and free of debris. Dirty coils are less efficient at removing heat.

For more information, visit www.liebert.com or www.emersonnetworkpower.com.

Publication date: 03/23/2009